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Fun stress free listening
I like unplugging from work, putting on this podcast, and letting my mind disengage from the negative and re-engage with the positive! Brit makes learning something new super fun. Currently listening to the interview of Glennon Doyle and thoroughly enjoying it.
Lots to think about
All the things you may want to ask someone about but aren’t sure who or uncomfortable topics you want some insight to before you discuss with others. Highly recommend!
It’s like an adult play date!!
Binged listened to all the eps and can’t wait for more!!! I am big on listening on educational podcasts, audio books etc. however in this time of Covid (and being amongst my 6 & 2 year old all day, every day) I was eager for some adult convo that’s fun & lighthearted yet still quenches my thirst for learning! This is spot on!! 👌🏼
Great show, looking forward to more
I’m starting backwards and started with the “Great Skin” episode. Love it. I can’t wait to listen to more.
Great show
A really fun listen.
Insightful & Fun
As a parent of two young actors, this was insightful & funny! Also gave me things to think about as a kids yoga teacher.
I enjoyed the well thought out questions and discussions led by the hosts!
You had me at Mila Kunis
It’s gonna be hard for you to top the next episode. Love the idea of this show though, very Oprah masterclassy
Love Mila and Ashton, 4 voices is a lot tho
Great Show!
Unique premise and awesome Guest! Keep doing you, Don't listen to the haters and always wear sunscreen.
OMG - Best ever!
I just listened to their first podcast with Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis. I’m not a fan or anything, I just know their names. The lively conversation was real and funny and smart... I was like OMG - this is more entertaining than anything I have seen on TV, ever! I pushed the subscribe button to add this to the other "OMG - AMAZING" shows in my podcast library!
Great listening while driving!
I live in the country and have to drive long distances to take kids to their activities and run errands. Podcasts like these help me to fill my mind with something stimulating. The hosts ask intelligent questions that interest real people. I’m subscribing and looking forward to learning all sorts of new things in the coming weeks!
So Good!
Can’t wait to hear each week.
Loved it!
Episode 1 was so amazing. I laughed, I learned a ton of acting tips, and also gained some parenting tips. Can’t wait to hear episode 2!
So interesting
Loved the first episode! Interesting and far-ranging conversation - parenting, acting, relationships, and even career advice!
New Favorite
Anyone that sees themselves as a lifelong learner or is dedicated to personal development will love this show! Perfect mix of learning and entertainment.
Keep the FIVE star show!
I hope I’m not getting ahead of myself with this review since I’ve only heard the first and only pod cast. This pod cast had me laughing so hard, at my temp job in a HR Dept of all places! As a fellow Iowan, it’s great to hear Ashton and his beautiful wife Mika talking about their acting careers, advice and funny stories of the past. Britt, I think you have something to great to build on here! You definitely have the voice for this! Keep the funny stuff coming! And if you can teach one how to actually find a job as an admin assistant, photographer (one that studied in college) or say a crafter, my ears will be listening carefully! Great show!
Funny, entertaining and brought a smile
As someone who listens to news, politics, in depth interviews or other “heady” types of content this was a very refreshing and welcomed break! The conversation is warm, genuine and funny - with some really good tidbits for life.
Great class, great teachers
Blessed to have oportunity to listen good advice from good people. Always helpful. Learning is a proces, day by day.
Goodnight Moon
I listened to the Mila and Ashton episode at work and enjoyed it, as I am a huge Mila fan. My 6 yr old was giving me a hard time during bedtime the same night and I decided to play her Mila and Ashton’s “Goodnight Moon.” She was snoring by the end of it!! It’s such a great idea to have your guests read children’s books if that’s something you were planning on doing. If not, I’ll just replay that part of the episode lol! As a parent and a behind the scenes of film fan, I thank you! Great podcast! Can’t wait to here more! #subscribing
Great concept-well executed!
I'm enjoying this podcast so far, there has only been one episode so I have high hopes for what is possible. Also, if it blows up then I was one of the original people to give it a good review. As I write this there are not enough reviews to even give it a star rating yet. So basically I live the show, but also I'm super awesome because I was one of the first 10 people to post a review. Boom! Keep up the good work, loving what you are doing. And I'm out!
Sooooo good!
Loved this first episode - fascinating content and fun to listen to. Can’t wait to hear the next one.
Very entertaining and interesting. Well done!
So great!
Funny, informative and overall great podcast! Brit is a wonderful hostess and I look forward to many more episodes!! Yay, Brit!!
Super interesting! So glad Brit finally has a podcast!
Pure Gold!!!
Great content, look forward to seeing more that you have to offer!
I love this show!
I actually learned something from Ashton and Mila, and could not stop laughing. It's so interesting hearing about their different acting styles. Brit is fun and easy to listen to. Keep it up!!!
Great Lesson
I learned I read Goodnight Moon like Ashton Kutcher 😂 Also, tying physical movements to your emotions is pretty interesting and I’d never thought of that before. Lastly, everytime I watched That 70’s Show, Kelso always has his hands in his pockets a lot and many times at the beginning of the scene. Now I’m wondering if Ashton was trying to make sure he was on his mark?
Insightful AND hilarious✨
Refreshing fun and crazy informative!
So fun to learn about the stuff we’ve always been curious about from THE experts in their fields. Subscribed! Brit is a great host, and loving the guest line up. Excited for tomorrow’s episode!